35590026a41212cd9185b43009318f16-Ingrid-Pokropek_Directora (1)
Ingrid Pokropek

Ingrid Pokropek



She was born in Buenos Aires in 1994. She has written and directed various short films, among which Chico eléctrico (2021) and Shendy Wu: un diario (2019) stand out. She is the producer of the films Trenque Lauquen (2022) by Laura Citarella, Clementina (2022), directed by Agustín Mendilaharzu and Constanza Feldman, La edad media (2022) by Luciana Acuña and Alejo Moguillansky, and Las poetas visitan a Juana Bignozzi (2019) by Mercedes Halfon and Laura Citarella. Los tonos mayores is her directorial debut.

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